First Name (required)
Last Name (required)
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) (required)
What is your West Indian heritage? (required) Must be a Canadian citizen, resident or born in Canada with some direct or parental West Indian heritage.
Career, Education and/or Other Accomplishments:
Community Involvement and Volunteer Work:
Talent, Hobbies and/or Interests:
Favourite Family Tradition:
How did you hear about us? Facebook Email Radio TV Through a Friend Flyer/Poster Other If other, please specify:
By submitting this online registration form, you agree to the rules and regulations. You also hereby state that all information contained in this application is true. Any misrepresentation of the truth will cause immediate disqualification from the competition.
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Email (required)
Mobile (required)
Home Tel
Must be between 19 to 31 years of age by the date of the pageant.
Must be unmarried as it is a "Miss" pageant. You can be single, dating, divorced, or widowed.
Must be a Canadian citizen, resident or born in Canada with some direct or parental West Indian heritage.
Applicant agrees to provide proof of age, citizenship and/or current resident status.
Applicant has never been convicted of any crime.
Applicant is subject to a non-refundable registration fee of $100 at their registration meeting and 2 photos (one head shot and one full body) must be submitted to officially register.
If applicant is selected as an official contestant, there is a contestant entrance fee of $800 which must be sponsored by 1 business or 2 businesses, and/or the balance raised with the help and support from family and/or friends. If you would like the assistance from Wi Canadian to find you a sponsor, there will be a finder's fee.
Contestant agrees to bring shoes and garments for the opening ceremony, talent wear, and evening gown. You can do your own hair and/or makeup. The use of the Miss West Indian Canadian Pageant hair and makeup sponsor is optional at an additional fee. Our hair and makeup sponsor also offer touch ups after opening, and talent segments.
Contestant agrees to attend mandatory pageant events for 2-3 hours: Meet & Greet With All Contestants, 1-2 pageant rehearsals on Sundays, Wi Canadian Magazine photo shoot, and pageant day.
If crowned, contestant agrees to attend the pageant the following year to crown the new winner and promote the Miss West Indian Canadian Pageant in her reigning year.
The Miss West Indian Canadian Pageant reserves the right to withdraw the title for any behaviour the pageant views as inappropriate.
Contestant agrees and understands that the pageant can only have one winner. The decision of the judges is final and results are not to be discussed or disputed.
Contestant has never, or will not during her reign, pose for any photographs, video film associated with nudity or pornography. Nor has she ever, or is presently involved with prostitution or any form of employment which involves partial or complete nudity.